Toy Story 3 is an animated film by Pixar production that aired in 2010 in the form of 3D film. This film is a sequel of the movie Toy Story series and is the latest sequel to be published. On the first day of the launch of this film, his reaction is very powerful. This film managed to pocket $ 41 million just from the first day of screenings only, and in three days managed to get a $ 109 million, creating a new record for animated films. This film failed to match Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at Rotten Tomatoes, where the film was rated 100% clean, the film gets its rating of 99% net.
In addition to the response from critics who are very positive, Toy Story 3 is also getting income well above the other Pixar films. Toy Story 3 broke the record Pixar film Finding Nemo as the most successful in North America and in the World, with a net profit of $ 405 million in North America and $ 1.005 billion in the World. Toy Story 3 also beat the record for an animated film Shrek 2 as the world's highest profit of all time. Toy Story 3 is the seventh film that managed to gain advantage over one billion dollars and the first animated film to get this record. Year 2010 also recorded as the year when Disney became the first studio that produced two films with over one billion dollar profit in the same year, namely Toy Story 3 and Alice in Wonderland.
The film opens with scenes of cowboy-style movie in which Woody, Jessie, and Buzz united against Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and the Aliens, which was just an imagination Andy visualization of small. The next scene shows periods of little Andy with toys.
Andy has 17 years old and have old toys when small, some have been sold or given away. The others have been stored in boxes and stored away as a list for Andy while on campus. He decided to bring along with him and Woody ddiletak other games in the plastic waste with the intention to keep them in the attic, but Ms. Davis was wrong to put the bag on the roadside as trash. Believe that Andy is no longer wanted them, they sneak into the toy to be donated to Sunnyside Daycare. Woody, who saw what really happened, trying to clear up any misconceptions, but other games that refuse to mendengarinya.
The game was taken to Sunnyside where they received a greeting from the game that promotes child care, led by Lots-o'-Huggin 'Bears (Lotso). Woody tries to convince others to return to the bosom of Andy, but they feel that they will be happy in Sunnyside, so they let him go without mereka.Yang other Woody finally finds Lotso provides young children, and they were abused and tortured. Meanwhile, Molly Barbie, who also donated began to fall in love with Ken, which is the right person Lotso and also has fallen in love with Barbie. Buzz went to ask Lotso move them to the kids who are older, but was captured by some toys Sunnyside and return it to the system origin, as a space ranger.
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